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Our Mission
The Maryland Society of Portrait Painters is a non-profit organization founded in 1982 for the purpose of promoting and encouraging the development of portraiture. Membership is open to individuals and organizations interested in the art of portraiture or active in creating portraits in painting, drawing and sculpture.
The purpose of this Society is to encourage, support and promote the development of professional portraiture in any medium in Maryland and in the vicinity, but not limited thereto.
Andrée Tullier, President
Melissa Gryder, Vice President
Pamela Wilde, Secretary
Jeanie Hendryxr, Treasurer
Andrée Tullier, Membership/Accreditation Chair
Melissa Gryder, Exhibition Chair
Nina Ellsworth, Newsletter Chair
Sarah Wardell, Website Administrator
Nicole Troup, Member-At-Large
Founding members:
Bonnie Roth Anderson
Josephine Beebe
Angela Bell
Carolyn Brownley
Cedric B. Egeli
Joanette Hoffman Egeli
Rodger Farley
Julie Mallonee
Dorothy Newland James Truitt, Jr
James Tschirgi
Mittie Van Nostrand
Dorothy Yeager
